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    Code4z Demo with Native Endevor

    See the Code4z developer experience in action! Access, edit, build, and debug a COBOL program using native Endevor, enabled with Explorer for Endevor. Use copybooks and CCIDs, navigate variables, create load modules, and more. Learn why developers love VS Code!

    Code4z Video Series

    Code4z Overview Code4z is the free & open way to transform Visual Studio Code into a powerful mainframe developer cockpit. Powered by Bridge for Git, Team Build, Zowe, and more, Code4z offers ‘inthe zone’ productivity, streamlined code navigation, and a big WOW factor. Learn why developers love VS Code powered by Code4z! Watch Video
    Code4z Demo with Git See the Code4z developer experience in action! Access, edit, build, and debug a COBOL program using Git, enabled by Bridge for Git and Team Build. Create a local branch, make the necessary edits, and publish the branch to the central repo. Learn why developers love VSCode! Watch Video
    Unit Test for Mainframe Demo with Test4z Usher in a new era of code change confidence and application vitality by empowering developers to create automated unit tests. With Test4z, developers apply the 6 Core Principles of unit testing using their tool of choice - in this case Visual Studio Code. Watch Video

    Learn More About the Code4z Developer Cockpit

    The free & easy way to transform VS Code into a powerful mainframe developer platform. Powered by Bridge for Git, Zowe, and more.